XNEWS> leading digital media, events and information services

On the Internet there are already enough news sites on the subject of cryptocurrency and blockchain. Often, like a carbon copy, they duplicate each other interesting content and news. Efficiency with the release of important news stories, too, not every resource is able to boast. Among the many cryptocurrency information sites that are not included in this list, one can single out the Xnews.io portal .

The project is a partner of a famous cryptocurrency startup Bitex – the first of its kind cryptocurrency bank, which will be discussed in the second half of this article. The Xnews portal positions itself as one of the leaders in the supply of topical news from the world of cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies. The mission of the digital publication is to unite, educate and timely inform the entire blockchain community about important events in the subject area. The company is comprehensively focused on the needs of any representative of the industry and satisfies the interests of both beginners and professionals in this direction.

In addition to basic English, the platform is translated into 48 other languages, including Russian. You can select the desired language by clicking on the yellow icon at the very top of the site. There are widgets with the current rates of the main cryptocurrencies. Just below are menu items with a choice of headings. On the main page, as it should be, are the announcements and previews of the latest news. And in the header of the site and at the very bottom there are navigation buttons that switch to the section you need.

Thus, the Press Release tab translates to the most relevant press releases of the leading blockchain projects and startups. Information of these articles helps to stay abreast of key industry events and make the right investment decisions. And by hovering your mouse over the News button, you can see the opening subsections, including ICO news, blockchain-based business, information about fraudulent projects, etc. The next tab shows the latest publications about Bitcoin and other leading cryptocurrency projects.

Xnews is a necessary resource for representatives of ICO-projects, because here you can enter information about your ICO. Most of the fundraising campaigns using tokens are now actively using the so-called bounty programs and airdrop. This is the best advertisement for blockchain projects and therefore this field of activity is extremely in demand when promoting any campaign for the sale of digital currencies. And information about the ongoing airdrop and bounty can also be easily added to the Xnews website.

The platform is very popular among traders, journalists, legislators and representatives of the entire blockchain industry. On this basis, advertising on Xnews is a fairly effective means of promoting among the target audience. The option of advertising is also present in the tabs. The portal is presented in all major social networks, also has its own forum for communicating like-minded people.

Xnews together with Bitex are now conducting Airdrop of their own cryptocurrency BXB. Detailed campaign conditions are available at: https://xnews.io/airdrop-xbx-bitex-xnews/.

By the way, ICO BXB, the token of Bitex, which, as already mentioned, is a close partner of Xnews, is currently undergoing. Until the end of the token-sale, a little more than 38 hours have remained since the publication of this article. You can read the ICO terms here: https://ico.bitex.global/.

Bitex is essentially the first crypto bank and makes financial services in the cryptocurrency industry the most affordable and convenient. The platform is undoubtedly excellently located mainly for the Asian market, but it is also equally in demand at the global level. Bitex wants to level all the flaws of the classic banking system and leave only its useful properties in its product. The integration of the classic financial structure of the banking level with the latest advanced achievements in the blockchain industry is seen by the project team as a priority and necessary task to solve. Bitex developers effectively solve the issue of introducing decentralized systems into the company’s financial products.

Xnews official website: https://xnews.io.

Bitex official website: https://bitex.global.

Author : Bitcoin demon


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