Globex sci is an ecosystem for the storage and use of enabling scientific papers

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Globex Sci is an ecosystem for the storage and use of scientific papers that enable to exchange experiences and knowledge and also to teach and launch artificial neural networks and AI products.

The project addresses the difficulties that scientists, scientific article writers, publishers and universities face:

After purchasing access to the platform, users can read all published journals on the platform and get paid for their articles.
The platform will make sure by using cryptography that the content is protected and the authors earn rewards for the people who download their papers.
Exchange data through aggregators will allow to diversify journal content and save money for subscriptions.
Profits will be shared fairly between publishers and authors.
Audience Targets:

Scientific article writers, academic journals
Scientists, users
of University representatives and research centers

Mission projects

In our world, information flows of thousands of scientists still do not realize what their peers are supporting. Globex SCI’s goal is to ensure a solid relationship between all the world’s scientists by providing a platform for the exchange of scientific knowledge in various fields.

Globex SCI believes that strength is unity and therefore collective knowledge encourages new discoveries for the benefit of mankind.

The details of the ICO Globex SCI

Token have significant speculative potential: their value increases as the demand for scientific publications grows.
Pre-ICO: From 7 February 2018 to 7 March 2018, ICO: From 17 March 2018 to 17 April 2018.

Token: GSI
Platform: Ethereum
Type: ERC20
Price in ICO: 1 GSI = 0.002 ETH
Accepting: ETH
Soft cap: 3 000 ETH
Hard cap: 60 000 ETH

How is GSC token used? 

By using a token one can pay for such office services as the storage of scientific documents, evidence of authorship, storage of massive data sets, the provision of paid access to mass data, statistical analysis and distributed mathematical processions, distributed machine learning, product development such as external APIs, platform to simulate biological systems.

The Globex SCI

Globex SCI Team is comprised of great people and experts in their respective fields, the following teams are joined in the Globex SCI project:
Shamil Muggatarov- СЕО
Nikolai Barlev- Chief Scientist
Artur Teregulov -СТО
Ilya Vinnikov- Developer
Oleg Demidov- Adviser
Anastasia Demidova -Adviser
Gerry Melino- Adviser
Mauro Piacentini- Adviser
Nikolai Putin- Adviser

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